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Showing 22 Results

Lifecycle Superstar – Caitie Blumsom

Lifecycle Superstar – Caitie Blumsom

Post published:July 20, 2023

Caitie grew up in the Nbisiing (Nipissing) area and has had a life-long passion for working with/facilitating meaningful learning experiences for youth. She attended Trent University in 2017 for a BAH in Indigenous Studies, then, in 2021 she moved back home to complete her Bachelor of Education at Nipissing University, incorporating Land as a teacher whenever possible.

Nunavut Game Jam

Iqaluit talent shines bright at Nunavut Game Jam

Post published:March 3, 2021

While a recent game jam hosted by Pinnguaq’s Iqaluit Makerspace led to the development of two games, the biggest victory might have been boosting the participants’ confidence in their digital skills.

Root and Stem podcast header

New podcast tells stories of STEAM education in Canadian communities

Post published:February 12, 2021

Making it easy for people everywhere to absorb the exciting news from the world of science, technology, engineering, arts and math (STEAM), Pinnguaq has launched the Root & STEM podcast, an audio experience building on the success of their magazine of the same name.

environmental steward kit illustration

Environmental Steward Kits: Learning on the Land

Post published:January 26, 2021

Connecting the land, technology and Inuit principles, learners in the North are using new kits provided through Pinnguaq to explore science, technology, engineering, art and math (STEAM) in the world around them.

Nunavut workshop

Supporting Inuit Artists through Co-Design Initiative

Post published:January 14, 2021

A new initiative being launched by Pinnguaq and Nordicity focuses on celebrating, supporting and promoting Inuit artists and artist organizations while working with the community directly to find sustainable solutions for challenges in the Inuit arts ecosystem.

Inuk in a kayak

Exploring Inuit Principles of Conservation

Post published:January 4, 2021

“Inuit say that the purpose in life is to live a good life,” writes author and former Nunavut educator Shirley Tagalik, who was kind enough to lend her expertise to the first issue of Root & STEM, Pinnguaq’s resource for educators.

Delivering for Success: A Year of Growth

Delivering for Success: A Year of Growth

Post published:December 9, 2020

As we think back over the past year, we are awestruck by the many ways digital technology is increasingly shaping our lives. As a result of the pandemic, engaging with the digital world became critical in how we work, connect with our family and friends, and learn.

SmartICE: Harnessing Potential, Strengthening Communities

SmartICE: Harnessing Potential, Strengthening Communities

Post published:December 2, 2020

As a staunch supporter of SmartICE, an internationally recognized social enterprise empowering Indigenous communities to adapt to unpredictable ice conditions, Pinnguaq is celebrating recent investments in social innovation.

illustration of person using computer at home

Nunavut Learning At Home with Pinnguaq

Post published:December 1, 2020

As Nunavut continues endeavours to curb the rise of COVID-19 cases, many people are spending more time at home than they may be accustomed to, including students who would otherwise be in school classrooms.

Maanazaadi Medicine

Maanazaadi Medicine

Post published:June 30, 2020

Courtney Milne, a digital steward at Pinnguaq, writes about Maanazaadi medicine.

It Takes A Community

It Takes A Community

Post published:June 4, 2020

In this blog, Mary McDonald talks about a sense of community and online education during COVID-19.