
The first ten years of the Pinnguaq Association were defined by rapid growth, an expanding mandate and a mission to create one-of-a-kind STEAM education experiences for rural, remote and Indigenous communities across Canada.  What we hear again and again.

We are looking forward to the next three years with a solidified mission, a national scope, and a strategy based on the same fundamental principles that got us here: Sustainable, equity-focused and creative experiences – led by a community’s needs.

Experiences branching from a lifecycle approach to digital skill-building across rural, remote and Indigenous Canada.

Our vision is one of vibrant, connected communities where everyone can achieve their full potential. This strategic plan focuses on the four roots we will grow from to achieve that vision.

  • Sustainability
  • Connectivity
  • Applicability
  • Visibility









Sustainability is the key to a meaningful community-led engagement.

  • Sustainability in our programs
  • Sustainability in the resources we develop
  • Sustainability in our impact on rural, remote and Indigenous communities

It means we are partners for the long haul, and the organization will reflect that through our Lifecycle approach. The Pinnguaq Lifecycle details the choices we build with participants. From their first digital skills course to meaningful engagement as producers – and not just users – of technology.

Each educational experience and each training opportunity will lead to something else. Our work within communities is co-designed around building permanent capacity and resources to sustain the power of a community to decide how our work will best serve them.

Every piece of software we contribute to and each piece of the curriculum we lead will be developed in partnership with the communities and individuals they are designed to serve.

The Pinnguaq Association will build a network of organisations and individuals across Canada to support learner pathways.

  • A network that connects mentors, employment, and production opportunities across National S.T.E.A.M industries
  • A network built on equity that challenges the global notion of technological progress by focusing decision-making in rural, remote and indigenous communities
  • A network built on community-centered choice

A strong partnership network will shrink the industry and make it more accessible to people in rural, remote and Indigenous communities across Canada. It will function on the idea that when your mentors are in your home community, the pathway to your involvement is much clearer.

Pinnguaq will expand and organise its work with thousands of global partners in the coming years. A network will be developed to create opportunities to collaborate on training, exchange knowledge and allow creative, community-led solutions to forge our path forward.

Those who learn; can also do. As teachers, designers, and developers. The Pinnguaq Association will ensure;

  • Community-partnered products and educational opportunities that build permanent, sustainable capacity within Canada’s rural, remote and Indigenous communities
  • Compensated mentorship and internship programs that build choice for Pinnguaq’s educational programming participants
  • Meaningful participation in industry-level projects

We will set a new standard for technology development as we continue to grow our game, web and application design in service of our communities. Every project is an opportunity to connect our education to real-world design and development.

We refine and continue to focus on equity through building local capacity and sustainability through a train-the-trainer approach to education.  We will ensure that every lesson taught leads to creative, applicable, community-centered solutions for our communities in S.T.E.A.M

The leaders we seek are already in the communities we serve.  Pinnguaq will advocate for visibility in STEAM fields.  Through our resources, we will highlight the mentors, educators, employers and producers who are redefining S.T.E.A.M

  • Published Works: The books, magazines and learning kits we create, we will rededicate a focus on amplifying visibility for existing champions
  • Streaming: The Pinnguaq Stream team will be established and grow to highlight Indigenous content creators from around Canada
  • Curriculum: Community-centered curriculum will be codesigned with community leaders to ensure relevance and sustainability
  • Apps and Games: Creators from our communities will be celebrated and integrated into learning and production opportunities

The Pinnguaq Association will commit to visibility in every aspect of its work, ensuring the creativity of our communities and learners take centre stage.  The choices available to an individual in S.T.E.A.M have never been more accessible.  The Pinnguaq Association will shine a light on those blazing the trails to ensure their contributions and achievements inspire.