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Showing 214 Results

Root & Stem Issue 2

Root & STEM Issue 2 Explores Technology and Health

Post published:January 18, 2021

Pinnguaq Association has published Root & STEM, Issue 2, the second issue in a new publishing initiative promoting equity and accessibility in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEAM) education and innovation. This new STEAM resource and complimentary lesson plans, prioritizing diverse voices, are available for K-12 educators across the country.

Nunavut workshop

Supporting Inuit Artists through Co-Design Initiative

Post published:January 14, 2021

A new initiative being launched by Pinnguaq and Nordicity focuses on celebrating, supporting and promoting Inuit artists and artist organizations while working with the community directly to find sustainable solutions for challenges in the Inuit arts ecosystem.

Inuk in a kayak

Exploring Inuit Principles of Conservation

Post published:January 4, 2021

“Inuit say that the purpose in life is to live a good life,” writes author and former Nunavut educator Shirley Tagalik, who was kind enough to lend her expertise to the first issue of Root & STEM, Pinnguaq’s resource for educators.

The Lucid Project: Medicinal Listening

The Lucid Project: Medicinal Listening

Post published:December 31, 2020

Aaron Labbe was in his second year of studies at SUNY Fredonia’s School of Music when he suffered a mental breakdown so bad it caused a heart arrhythmia. He was rushed to hospital, where he spent three days in intensive care and nearly a week in the cardiac unit.

Making Videos for Kids Help Phone

Making Videos for Kids Help Phone

Post published:December 31, 2020

In 2017, Kids Help Phone (KHP), a free resource that provides mental health support and counselling via telephone or the Internet, noticed that Indigenous youth were using the service in relatively small numbers.

A woman standing to the left with a blue skirt on and a prosthetic arm, and 3 men standing to the right


Post published:December 31, 2020

While fast, reliable access to prosthetic devices can be difficult to obtain in communities outside urban centres, the process becomes much easier when you have a 3D printer close at hand.

Delivering for Success: A Year of Growth

Delivering for Success: A Year of Growth

Post published:December 9, 2020

As we think back over the past year, we are awestruck by the many ways digital technology is increasingly shaping our lives. As a result of the pandemic, engaging with the digital world became critical in how we work, connect with our family and friends, and learn.