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Showing 96 Results

The Scratch window open to the costume pane, with the goose sprite selected and displayed in the costume editor

Goose Hunt

Grade audience: Grade 5 - Grade 7

Students will gain an introduction to the basic functions of Scratch through the creation of an interactive target game inspired by the Cree people’s traditional goose hunt. In this project, students will learn about sprites, costumes, backdrops, and animations.

Translating Literature to Code

Translating Literature to Code

Grade audience: Secondary - Grade 12

This lesson merges the worlds of artificial intelligence (AI) and poetry. Students read a poem and decipher it to analyze tone, emotions, and symbolism.

Seatangle interface.

Sea Tangle

Grade audience: Middle

Sea Tangle allows users to explore a kelp forest off the coast of British Columbia. Players will learn why the kelp forest and its inhabitants are important to one another.

AI in Everyday Life

AI in Everyday Life

Grade audience: Primary - Secondary

AI is no longer relegated to the realm of futuristic cartoons or sci-fi blockbusters; it has quickly integrated into many aspects of our communities and homes. In their day-to-day lives, humans encounter various forms of AI all the time.

A map of Happy Valley.

Creating an Address Tool Using AI

Grade audience: Secondary - Adult

Anybody who’s lived in a small town is probably used to receiving directions  like, “Oh, I live in the house with the blue roof behind the Coop,” or “The Country Food store is just past the Arctic Survival Store.” 

A snippet of the comic Deep Blue showing a student drawing 1s and 0s on a chalkboard.

Deep Blue

Grade audience: Middle - Adult

This comic retells the history of the IBM computer named “DEEP BLUE” defeating chess grandmaster Garry Kasparov.

A snippet of the AI Bingo activity.

AI Bingo

Grade audience: Primary - Middle

Learn more about artificial intelligence while having fun.

Webcam interface for the people selection.

Introduction to Machine Learning

Grade audience: Primary - Grade 3

In this lesson, students learn how a computer can be taught to categorize objects. This is something students already have experience with.

A student typing on a keyboard.

Turing Tests

Grade audience: Grade 4 - Grade 6

When artificial intelligence (AI) advances to a certain level, it may be possible to have conversations with machines that feel like speaking to a human. This exercise tests the current state of AI to see whether we can be fooled.

Number 3 drawn out.

Machine Learning: Supervised and Unsupervised

Grade audience: Grade 7 - Grade 8

There are many ways to build machine learning programs. In this lesson, students explore two of the basic types of machine learning: unsupervised learning and supervised learning.

Blank option, colour plus sign is seen.

Intermediate Google Workspace Part 2

Grade audience: Adult

This learning program has been divided into two courses: Introduction to Google Workspace and Advanced Google Workspace. The second course is intended to provide learners with practical training on using the advanced features of Google Workspace. This course focuses on collaborative and integrated google tools that work together with other tools. Learning Objectives By the … Continued

Two USB sticks sitting on a laptop trackpad.

How to Assemble a Computer

Grade audience: Secondary - Adult

This is an introductory tutorial on how to assemble a PC desktop. In this video, we will learn about the different parts of a computer and how to assemble the computer.

A facebook market place listing.

Leveling Up: Selling on Facebook and Instagram

Grade audience: Adult

This course provides the learner with a functional understanding of the commerce tools available on Facebook and Instagram and the best practices associated with promoting and selling handmade products on these platforms.  Course Objectives  Understand the free commerce tools available to Business Pages on Facebook and Instagram. Understand the options available to Canadian businesses for … Continued

Smart phone with a set of headphones displaying "Root & STEM podcast" cover art.

The Root & STEM Podcast

We’re excited to launch a new podcast, bringing you an audio version of everything you love about Root & STEM.

This image is a drawing of an archive box filled with manilla folders. Many terms, images and icons used on computer systems come from the non-digital world, including folders.

Working with Drives, Folders and Files – Windows

Grade audience: Adult

This course is designed for an adult learner interested in understanding how files are stored and organized by computers. The course will cover the basics of naming and organizing files, using removable drives such as USB sticks, and an introduction to working with online storage systems such as Google Drive and OneDrive. 

About section with the edit page details shown.

Introduction to Social Media for Small Business

Grade audience: Secondary - Adult

In this course, social media’s essentials for business are introduced to provide learners with the foundational understanding required to promote their small business on major social media platforms. Note: As this is an introductory course, it will not discuss advanced features such as paid advertising or commerce listings on any platform.

Duplicate frame.

Success in Online Learning Part 3

Grade audience: Adult

Success in Online Learning Part 3 will lead you into mastery by investigating specialized supports and resources, self-care strategies, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and other gems from the Internet.

Google jamboard icon.

Success in Online Learning Part 2

Grade audience: Adult

Part Two will take you beyond the basics, with the introduction of several new and exciting Google Workspace learning programs and platforms. Finally, Part Three will lead you into mastery by investigating specialized supports and resources, self-care strategies, Massive Open Online Courses and other ‘Gems from the Internet’.

Google slides icon.

Success in Online Learning Part 1

Grade audience: Adult

Transitioning to Online Learning can be scary and exciting all at the same time. For some of us, this will be the very first time we have used technology in this way;  for others it might be a time to spread our wings! This course will start by introducing you to the basics of online … Continued

In order from left to right, there is the word icon, excel icon, and the powerpoint icon.

Introduction to Microsoft Office

Grade audience: Adult

In the Introduction to Microsoft Office course learners will explore the  computer application program Microsoft Office that can be used to create a variety of business and office files including documents, spreadsheets, slide show presentations and email. Microsoft Office is one of the most widely used word processors available for Macs and PCs. Course Objectives … Continued

A question mark surrounded by a neon pink box with light illuminating the sides.

Unplugged Coding: Binary Encoding

Grade audience: Grade 1 - Grade 3

This unplugged coding activity challenges you to encode different words into binary code. In this activity you will explore the computational thinking methods of decomposition. You will break down the word or words you select into single letters and encode it into Binary code using the Binary Code Key to create a secret message!