Panels from Cole Pauls' "Just Like Us" comic.

Just Like Us

Cole Pauls is a Tahltan comic artist, illustrator and printmaker hailing from Haines Junction in Yukon Territory with a BFA in illustration from Emily Carr University. As a guest contributor, Cole explores the importance of Indigenous representation in video games through a personal story he wrote and illustrated.

Page 1 of Cole Pauls' "Just Like Us" comic.
Page 2 of Cole Pauls' "Just Like Us" comic.
Page 3 of Cole Pauls' "Just Like Us" comic.
Page 4 of Cole Pauls' "Just Like Us" comic.

This comic originally appeared in the third issue of Root & STEM, Pinnguaq’s free print and online STEAM resource supporting educators in teaching digital skills

Cole Pauls

Cole Pauls

About the author

Cole Pauls is a Tahltan comic artist, illustrator and printmaker hailing from Haines Junction, Yukon Territory, with a BFA in illustration from Emily Carr University. Based in Vancouver, Pauls focuses on his two comic series, Pizza Punks and Dakwäkãda Warriors, for which he won Best Work in an Indigenous Language from the Indigenous Voices Awards in 2020, among other honours.