The second page of the bytesized comic by Ian MacLean.


Join cousins Pilluak and Sanak as they face difficult problems and find technological solutions. In this installment, the pair deal with the uncertainty of ice conditions caused by climate change, and seek to discover a safe means of travel to a popular camping spot. This comic is created in the freeware art program Krita. Instructional videos can be found in the learn section of this website. Visit the SmartICE and SIKU websites to learn more about the projects.

The first page of the bytesized comic by Ian MacLean.
The second page of the bytesized comic by Ian MacLean.

This comic originally appeared in the first issue of Root & STEM, Pinnguaq’s free print and online STEAM resource supporting educators in teaching digital skills

Ian MacLean

Ian MacLean

About the author

Ian MacLean is a professional pixel artist/animator and illustrator who has worked in the gaming industry for 16 years. He considers himself a super nerd and has the polyhedral dice, comic collection, and miniatures to prove it.