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Showing 18 Results

Throat Singing Game

Throat Singing Game

Grade audience: Middle

Students will gain an introduction to the basic functions of Scratch through the creation of a game. Students will learn about sprites, costumes, and the use of sounds. This game is a great way to incorporate throat singing into the curriculum, as students will create sprites that throat sing with different sounds.

Goose Hunt

Goose Hunt

Grade audience: Grade 5 - Grade 7

Students will gain an introduction to the basic functions of Scratch through the creation of an interactive target game inspired by the Cree people’s traditional goose hunt. In this project, students will learn about sprites, costumes, backdrops, and animations.

Trip to the Moon

Trip to the Moon

Grade audience: Grade 3 - Grade 6

This activity will use images from the story book “Trip to the Moon” written by Vera Evic, an author from Pangnirtung, Nunavut. Students will animate the images and create a scene from the book where kids use an oil drum rocket to travel to the moon.

Introduction to Scratch for Educators

Introduction to Scratch for Educators

Grade audience: Primary - Middle

In this resource, we present three culturally relevant lessons tailored to Nunavut culture and way of life, designed to introduce students to the foundational concepts of Scratch programming.

Someone holding a GPS in their hand outside. Grass can be seen in the background.

Introduction to GPS and GPS Devices

Grade audience: Secondary

Students will begin by learning how GPS works with a ‘mini lesson’ on the concept. Afterwards, students will learn how to use a GPS hand-held device or the GPS smartphone app Gaia, depending on the technology available to them.

Blank option, colour plus sign is seen.

Intermediate Google Workspace Part 2

Grade audience: Adult

This learning program has been divided into two courses: Introduction to Google Workspace and Advanced Google Workspace. The second course is intended to provide learners with practical training on using the advanced features of Google Workspace. This course focuses on collaborative and integrated google tools that work together with other tools. Learning Objectives By the … Continued

Google Workspace logo displayed with various logos.

Introduction to Google Workspace Part 1

Grade audience: Primary - Secondary

This learning program is divided into two courses: Introduction to Google Workspace and Advanced Google Workspace. The first course is intended to provide learners with practical training on how to use Google Workspace. This introductory course will serve as a step-by-step guide to using the basic functions of Google tools and help you integrate them … Continued

Planning and Creating a Podcast Using Audacity

Planning and Creating a Podcast Using Audacity

Grade audience: Secondary

This course is an introduction to podcasting. It will take the learner through the process of planning a series and the production skills needed to produce an episode. This course introduces key concepts through a participatory exercise in which the learner drafts a podcast series plan, articulating the goals for the project and its  value … Continued

This image is a drawing of an archive box filled with manilla folders. Many terms, images and icons used on computer systems come from the non-digital world, including folders.

Working with Drives, Folders and Files – Windows

Grade audience: Adult

This course is designed for an adult learner interested in understanding how files are stored and organized by computers. The course will cover the basics of naming and organizing files, using removable drives such as USB sticks, and an introduction to working with online storage systems such as Google Drive and OneDrive. 

This image is a drawing of an archive box filled with manilla folders. Many terms, images and icons used on computer systems come from the non-digital world, including folders.

Working with Drives, Folders and Files – MacOS

Grade audience: Adult

This course is designed for an adult learner interested in understanding how files are stored and organized by computers. The course will cover the basics of naming and organizing files, using removable drives such as USB sticks, and an introduction to working with online storage systems such as Google Drive and OneDrive.

Think acronym broke down. T - is it true? H - is it helpful? I - is it inspiring? N - is it necessary? K - is it kind?

Online Safety

Grade audience: Adult

Learners will understand how to protect their personal information while online,  source reliable information online for their ongoing protection and how to do a safety check-up on their devices and computer. In this course learners will cover: Introduction to the Internet Browsers Browser Privacy  Wifi and Wifi Safety and Software Updates Online Resources for Web … Continued

Duplicate frame.

Success in Online Learning Part 3

Grade audience: Adult

Success in Online Learning Part 3 will lead you into mastery by investigating specialized supports and resources, self-care strategies, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and other gems from the Internet.

Google jamboard icon.

Success in Online Learning Part 2

Grade audience: Adult

Part Two will take you beyond the basics, with the introduction of several new and exciting Google Workspace learning programs and platforms. Finally, Part Three will lead you into mastery by investigating specialized supports and resources, self-care strategies, Massive Open Online Courses and other ‘Gems from the Internet’.

Google slides icon.

Success in Online Learning Part 1

Grade audience: Adult

Transitioning to Online Learning can be scary and exciting all at the same time. For some of us, this will be the very first time we have used technology in this way;  for others it might be a time to spread our wings! This course will start by introducing you to the basics of online … Continued

The camera is behind the learner and the learner is turned around smiling. The learner is working on Scratch on their computer.

Introduction to Scratch

Grade audience: Primary - Secondary

In this course, the basics of Scratch will be introduced to provide learners with the foundational skills required to begin creating in Scratch. Scratch is a basic coding language that uses a ‘building block’ style coding to create animated stories, interactive games, simulations, and beautiful artwork.