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Showing 11 Results

Blank option, colour plus sign is seen.

Intermediate Google Workspace Part 2

Grade audience: Adult

This learning program has been divided into two courses: Introduction to Google Workspace and Advanced Google Workspace. The second course is intended to provide learners with practical training on using the advanced features of Google Workspace. This course focuses on collaborative and integrated google tools that work together with other tools. Learning Objectives By the … Continued

A facebook market place listing.

Leveling Up: Selling on Facebook and Instagram

Grade audience: Adult

This course provides the learner with a functional understanding of the commerce tools available on Facebook and Instagram and the best practices associated with promoting and selling handmade products on these platforms.  Course Objectives  Understand the free commerce tools available to Business Pages on Facebook and Instagram. Understand the options available to Canadian businesses for … Continued

This image is a drawing of an archive box filled with manilla folders. Many terms, images and icons used on computer systems come from the non-digital world, including folders.

Working with Drives, Folders and Files – Windows

Grade audience: Adult

This course is designed for an adult learner interested in understanding how files are stored and organized by computers. The course will cover the basics of naming and organizing files, using removable drives such as USB sticks, and an introduction to working with online storage systems such as Google Drive and OneDrive. 

Think acronym broke down. T - is it true? H - is it helpful? I - is it inspiring? N - is it necessary? K - is it kind?

Online Safety

Grade audience: Adult

Learners will understand how to protect their personal information while online,  source reliable information online for their ongoing protection and how to do a safety check-up on their devices and computer. In this course learners will cover: Introduction to the Internet Browsers Browser Privacy  Wifi and Wifi Safety and Software Updates Online Resources for Web … Continued

Google slides icon.

Success in Online Learning Part 1

Grade audience: Adult

Transitioning to Online Learning can be scary and exciting all at the same time. For some of us, this will be the very first time we have used technology in this way;  for others it might be a time to spread our wings! This course will start by introducing you to the basics of online … Continued

In order from left to right, there is the word icon, excel icon, and the powerpoint icon.

Introduction to Microsoft Office

Grade audience: Adult

In the Introduction to Microsoft Office course learners will explore the  computer application program Microsoft Office that can be used to create a variety of business and office files including documents, spreadsheets, slide show presentations and email. Microsoft Office is one of the most widely used word processors available for Macs and PCs. Course Objectives … Continued

Mshkiigwaatikohns Tea! Traditional Nerve Medicine

Mshkiigwaatikohns Tea! Traditional Nerve Medicine

Grade audience: Middle - Grade 12

In this tutorial, we will be learning about the medicinal properties of Tamarack bark tea and how to make Tamarack bark tea, or Mshkiigwaatikohns tea. We will be learning about traditional uses of Tamarack and why it’s known in First Nation communities as “nerve medicine”.