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Showing 279 Results

Beaded flowers.

Stitches & Switches Booklet

Grade audience: Middle - Adult

The Stitches & Switches Booklet includes activities that explore and blend sewing and technology to get creative with electronic circuits.

Processing logo.

Introduction to Processing

Grade audience: Primary - Secondary

Learn how to use Processing, a “flexible software sketchbook”. Discover how to code visuals and the basics of what is needed in a game.

AI in Everyday Life

AI in Everyday Life

Grade audience: Primary - Secondary

AI is no longer relegated to the realm of futuristic cartoons or sci-fi blockbusters; it has quickly integrated into many aspects of our communities and homes. In their day-to-day lives, humans encounter various forms of AI all the time.

A map of Happy Valley.

Creating an Address Tool Using AI

Grade audience: Secondary - Adult

Anybody who’s lived in a small town is probably used to receiving directions  like, “Oh, I live in the house with the blue roof behind the Coop,” or “The Country Food store is just past the Arctic Survival Store.” 

A snippet of the comic Deep Blue showing a student drawing 1s and 0s on a chalkboard.

Deep Blue

Grade audience: Middle - Adult

This comic retells the history of the IBM computer named “DEEP BLUE” defeating chess grandmaster Garry Kasparov.

A snippet of the AI Bingo activity.

AI Bingo

Grade audience: Primary - Middle

Learn more about artificial intelligence while having fun.

Webcam interface for the people selection.

Introduction to Machine Learning

Grade audience: Primary - Grade 3

In this lesson, students learn how a computer can be taught to categorize objects. This is something students already have experience with.

A student typing on a keyboard.

Turing Tests

Grade audience: Grade 4 - Grade 6

When artificial intelligence (AI) advances to a certain level, it may be possible to have conversations with machines that feel like speaking to a human. This exercise tests the current state of AI to see whether we can be fooled.

Number 3 drawn out.

Machine Learning: Supervised and Unsupervised

Grade audience: Grade 7 - Grade 8

There are many ways to build machine learning programs. In this lesson, students explore two of the basic types of machine learning: unsupervised learning and supervised learning.

The main Facebook page open on a computer.

Introduction to Facebook

Grade audience: Secondary - Adult

The following short animations are intended for learners who have not yet set up a Facebook account or for those who have recently started.

Zoom icon.

Introduction to Zoom

Grade audience: Secondary - Adult

Zoom is an example of a video conferencing platform used specifically for hosting meetings virtually by using a camera and microphone on your device (computer, tablet or smartphone).

Blank option, colour plus sign is seen.

Intermediate Google Workspace Part 2

Grade audience: Adult

This learning program has been divided into two courses: Introduction to Google Workspace and Advanced Google Workspace. The second course is intended to provide learners with practical training on using the advanced features of Google Workspace. This course focuses on collaborative and integrated google tools that work together with other tools. Learning Objectives By the … Continued

Syllabic Matching Game interface.

Inuktitut Digital Literacy Game Engine

Grade audience: Primary - Adult

The Inuktitut Digital Literacy Game Engine hosts three games (when launched but educators can add more game iterations they create), designed in partnership with Ilitaqsiniq Nunavut Literacy Council.

Iqalliarluk game interface.


Grade audience: Middle - Adult

Have fun and improve your typing skills by playing Iqalliarluk – ᐃᖃᓪᓕᐊᕐᓗᒃ, a new game developed by Ilitaqsiniq – Nunavut Literacy Council and Pinnguaq!

Two USB sticks sitting on a laptop trackpad.

How to Assemble a Computer

Grade audience: Secondary - Adult

This is an introductory tutorial on how to assemble a PC desktop. In this video, we will learn about the different parts of a computer and how to assemble the computer.

Google Workspace logo displayed with various logos.

Introduction to Google Workspace Part 1

Grade audience: Primary - Secondary

This learning program is divided into two courses: Introduction to Google Workspace and Advanced Google Workspace. The first course is intended to provide learners with practical training on how to use Google Workspace. This introductory course will serve as a step-by-step guide to using the basic functions of Google tools and help you integrate them … Continued

Planning and Creating a Podcast Using Audacity

Planning and Creating a Podcast Using Audacity

Grade audience: Secondary

This course is an introduction to podcasting. It will take the learner through the process of planning a series and the production skills needed to produce an episode. This course introduces key concepts through a participatory exercise in which the learner drafts a podcast series plan, articulating the goals for the project and its  value … Continued

Video Production for Social Media

Video Production for Social Media

Grade audience: Secondary - Adult

This course introduces learners to the world of video production by taking them along a three-step process for video creation: Pre-Production, Production, and Post-Production. Topics covered include: creating a video strategy, scripting, storyboarding, filming tips, video editing software, editing techniques, and much more. Course Objectives By the end of this course, learners will be able … Continued

Panels from Cole Pauls' "Just Like Us" comic.

Just Like Us

Grade audience: Primary - Adult

Cole Pauls explores the importance of Indigenous representation in video games through a personal story he wrote and illustrated.

Part of the artwork from the imagining worlds and characters activity.

Imagining Worlds & Characters

This activity will teach students about worldbuilding and the relationship between a character and its world. It also poses two different ways of thinking about a concept to inspire creativity.

A learner playing a game on a tablet.

Introduction to Serious Games and Their Design for K–Grade 3

Grade audience: Grade 1 - Grade 3

Serious games are games whose primary purpose is education and training as opposed to entertainment. They take advantage of the ability of computer games to attract and engage players/learners for a specific purpose, such as to develop new knowledge or skills.