This summer has been Pinnguaq’s busiest one yet, taking te(a)ch on the road to four Mushkegowuk and six Nunavut communities, running eight weeks of programming at a local library, and creating reams of new tech curriculum for youth, the bulk of which was created either by Indigenous people or with input from the same.
We learned a lot this summer and laughed a lot with the youth we worked with up North and it made us excited to see Pinnguaq and delivery sessions become regular fixtures in their communities. The contrast between the trepidation which generally greets us at the beginning of the summer sessions to the big smiles we see at the end is heartwarming. We couldn’t have done it without our delivery facilitators and their tolerance, energy, and dedication. Thank you for making this summer a success.

You’d think we’d take a break. Instead, we’re starting on a massive new undertaking: the creation of a makerspace in Iqaluit and the programming to fill it. To that end, we’ve hired experienced program developer, creator, and artist Gail Hodder to be the the office manager for that location. She’s going to be the backbone for the creation of the positive space and a key part in the design of the programming that goes on there. We look forward to seeing what she does with it… no pressure! Well, some pressure. Contractually defined pressure!

We’re starting some new projects this Fall that will continue to expand and define our role in the North and in Canada. Stay tuned for those exciting new announcements!