A snippet of the comic Deep Blue showing a student drawing 1s and 0s on a chalkboard.

Deep Blue

By V.M. Hetherington and Cindy Rose

This comic retells the history of the IBM computer named “DEEP BLUE” defeating chess grandmaster Garry Kasparov.

This comic originally appeared in the fourth issue of Root & STEM, Pinnguaq’s free print and online STEAM resource supporting educators in teaching digital skills

V. M. Hetherington

V. M. Hetherington

About the author

V. M. Hetherington (she/her) is a Toronto-based author and arts-based disability advocate. Her first novel Mooncalves was shortlisted for the Amazon First Novel Award in 2020, and was described as a “stunning debut” (The Globe and Mail) and “this generation’s response to Atwood” (Vancouver Sun).

Cindy Rose

Cindy Rose

About the author

Cindy Rose is a digital artist living in Toronto. She received her advanced diploma in Graphic Design from Humber College and specializes in digital painting. She is inspired by elements from nature and is obsessed with capturing the human spirit.