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Showing 11 Results

Artificial Intelligence and Pinnguaq

Artificial Intelligence and Pinnguaq

Post published:May 30, 2024

Like many of you, we were impressed and excited by the early promise of the work Open A.I. was doing. However, as with anything promising to be the “next big thing” out of Silicon Valley, we approached it with a healthy amount of skepticism.

What Winning $400,000 Meant For Us

What Winning $400,000 Meant For Us

Post published:October 6, 2023

In 2016, Pinnguaq’s te(a)ch program was given some truly incredible help  – it was awarded an Arctic Inspiration Prize (AIP), to the tune of $400,000. te(a)ch was the name for our in-community delivery program (AKA: Code Club or what you may now know as our Makerspace or Community Workshops). 

yearly planner in middle of white table

Pinnguaq’s 2021 Report

Post published:November 30, 2021

Pinnguaq is proud to share our 2020/2021 Annual Report, celebrating a year of change and growth for our organization. Over the year, our team dealt with the challenges presented by the ongoing pandemic, seeking out innovative ways to continue delivering STEAM and digital skills learning, including bringing our learners into new virtual spaces.  As we … Continued

A person using a laptop, the camera view is faced down towards the persons lap.

Pinnguaq and DS4Y

Post published:July 30, 2020

In this post we talk about all the amazing things we have done as recipients of the DS4Y program from 2018 to 2020. Stay tuned for an exciting announcement coming soon!

Join The Team at Pinnguaq!

Join The Team at Pinnguaq!

Post published:June 25, 2019

Pinnguaq is hiring for 6 new positions – and when I say new, I mean new – these are brand new roles that we are bringing into our organization.

The Pinnguaq Lifecycle

The Pinnguaq Lifecycle

Post published:March 21, 2019

In here we look at the past and how far we have come from the beginning, but also show what our plans are for the future of Pinnguaq.

A Pause On Qalupalik 2017

A Pause On Qalupalik 2017

Post published:April 9, 2017

In here we explain where Qalupalik got us, and why we are taking a break for us to reflect and focus on other projects.

boy playing a game on the computer

Qalupalik Update 2016

Post published:October 11, 2016

Exciting new updates are happening to our game “Qalupalik”. In this post we discuss some of our downfalls and some of our triumphs.