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Showing 196 Results

stethoscope laying on cloth

Release of Health NU

Post published:September 22, 2017

We’d like to introduce you to an app we’ve been developing called “Health NU” with the Qaujigiartiit Health Research Centre.

Pinnguaq logo

Pinnguaq and Sesqui

Post published:August 25, 2017

Pinnguaq, in collaboration with Sesqui has finally released Meridian, a collection of six VR experiences on available on multiple platforms.

A Pause On Qalupalik 2017

A Pause On Qalupalik 2017

Post published:April 9, 2017

In here we explain where Qalupalik got us, and why we are taking a break for us to reflect and focus on other projects.

laptop glowing in the centre of a black room

Computers for Schools Nunavut

Post published:January 16, 2017

Pinnguaq is thrilled to announce our involvement with Computers for Schools! In this post we discuss what this means, and how it can help you.

VR headset sitting in the middle of a wooden floor

Sesqui and Pinnguaq

Post published:November 24, 2016

Sesqui is doing some amazing things, and Pinnguaq is proud to celebrate our involvement with this project.

boy playing a game on the computer

Qalupalik Update 2016

Post published:October 11, 2016

Exciting new updates are happening to our game “Qalupalik”. In this post we discuss some of our downfalls and some of our triumphs.

two people talking in front of laptops

The Syllabics Translator

Post published:October 29, 2015

In the post we look at the Syllabics Translator extension on Chrome. We discuss the importance, but also the benefits of moving away from syllabics.

person holding open a book with string lights in the middle

Storytelling – Art Alive 4

Post published:June 8, 2015

In this blog we talk about how art can tell a story. Visual art can tell us more information than a person can, this is prevalent in Inuit culture.

a piece of abstract artwork including a face with random shapes

Bringing Art To Life – Art Alive 1

Post published:May 11, 2015

We are currently working with five of Pudlo’s prints and five original drawings to create interactive gaming experiences that explore the stories and life of Pudlo Pudlat of Kinngait (Cape Dorset), Nunavut.

qalupalik on a piece of ice

Qalupalik: Influences- Part 1

Post published:October 20, 2014

In this blog, Ryan Oliver talks about the myth of Qalupalik. As well as how the artists that worked on Qaluapalik impacted our game.

Icebergs in the middle of a lake

Tromsø Talk: Part 2

Post published:October 9, 2014

Pinnguaq’s Ryan Oliver spoke at a conference called “Indigenous Cultural Heritage and Technology in the Arctic” in Tromsø.

Drone flying over a body of water

Tromsø Talk: Part 1

Post published:October 8, 2014

Pinnguaq’s Ryan Oliver spoke at a conference called “Indigenous Cultural Heritage and Technology in the Arctic” in Tromsø, Norway.