A screenshot of the Krita interface.

Krita for Comics Ep. 1: Krita Basics

Ian MacLean

Ian MacLean

About the author

Ian MacLean is a professional pixel artist/animator and illustrator who has worked in the gaming industry for 16 years. He considers himself a super nerd and has the polyhedral dice, comic collection, and miniatures to prove it.

In this lesson, we will go over the basics of Krita and explore it’s interface, image settings, and tool types, to get you familiar with the software. Krita is a 2D painting program that has been widely referred to as the free version of Photoshop, and is used by many artists around the world. If you have ever considered trying to get into digital art, or are looking for somewhere to start, then this 10 part series will help you expand your knowledge of digital art.

Although Krita can be complex, instructor Ian MacLean will break down the how to’s of this program, and make it easier for students to learn the basics! Follow us along this 10 part series!

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